“You and your family deserve only the best.” At Ari Rose, we pride ourselves on building a company with this belief at the forefront of what we do and who we serve — You! 

Owner, Jess Winns, became a first-time mother at the age of 20. Her oldest daughter struggled with ADHD and other behavioral issues that could have been quickly remedied with medications — at least that was the option being given at the time. In Jessica’s opinion, medications were not a long-term solution. This led her to research and learn about how diet and lifestyle play a role in our health and behavior. 

Jess used this experience as a moment of reckoning which led her down the path of holistic health and wellness. She made drastic changes to her family’s diet and saw significant improvements in her daughter’s well-being. As her health journey continued, Jessica found herself pregnant with baby girl number two. This time, researching and learning far more than she had with her first. 

Additional study and awareness led Jess to stumble upon an article written by the Environmental Working Group which stated over “280 toxins are found in the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies.” This was a major eye opener as she hadn’t truly considered the implications of body care products on her (or her unborn child’s) health. Yet again, she set off on another path towards wellness, this time considering all the items she was using on her skin — the body’s largest organ.

What Jess came to realize was that if she was going to use products that met her strict, safety standards, she would have to make them herself. Given all of the hard work and dedication made towards changing her eating and lifestyle habits, this wouldn’t be difficult at all. Yet, the one thing Jessica didn’t see coming from this was a business. 

Once her network got word of her new creations, it seemed as though everyone wanted to give it a try. Jess gave in, selling a few items here and there without expectation. What she didn’t anticipate was the overwhelming feedback she received. People were in love with the product and how it was helping them and their children’s skin. It felt wonderful to be able to provide this product to others. Yet, with no real knowledge of running a body care company, Jess faded to black and decided this wasn’t meant for her to be doing. 

Fast forward four years later and Jess was still getting emails and messages asking when she would be making more product. It became apparent that she was being called to something far greater than she even understood. At that point she decided to launch Ari Rose, named lovingly after her two oldest daughters, Jada Ari and Priya Rose. 

With her now three daughter’s as her inspiration, Jess is committed to providing the highest quality body care products and resources for her customers. She continues to focus on holistic health and self-care, as it is the foundation of her entire operation’s existence up until this point and moving forward into the future. 

"Best Hand-Crafted Soap You'll Ever Use"

"Best Hand-Crafted Soap You'll Ever Use"

Skin health is achieved by what we consume in addition to the products we use on our bodies and in our environments daily. This is why each item, from soaps to creams, are beautifully made with a combination of locally sourced, organic and sustainable ingredients. Produced in small batches to maintain quality and integrity. Ari Rose™ makes no compromises. Our loyal customers receive only the best, with their skin and satisfaction in mind.